
Showing posts from June, 2010

The last day of the of June.....

So fast 2day is the june of last day..... half month so fast over... also going to 1 year already ..... the time is going faster and faster and we dont noe wat happened in 2moro.... who is studying will say "wah, so fast 1 year lar..... but some say so slow.... at school jst like normal day.... awhile the time was over... and back home , eat then do homework , online then sleep ..... that was very fast..... i must noe wat we do in this year and don't waste the time from now.... but some say 2 late ... also gt ppl say still nt 2 late ,can start from now.... Then i wan say is don't waste yr time anymore.... (>O

戀愛中??? 還是......

我現在是戀愛中嗎???還是..... 我到底在做什么??? 我對他有感覺嗎??? 還是完全沒有感覺??? 喜歡一個人...可是追求我的并不是他??? 為什么會醬呢??? 有種奇怪的感覺..... 我不懂在搞什么鬼.... 可是我能和他慢慢培養感情的.....所以我一步一步的來....不要從動....那就可以了.... >o


我到現在還搞不懂我是在戀愛中.....還是算是男女朋友??? Haizzz... 我想知道答案.....如果是戀愛中那很好....男女朋友更好呢???? 呵呵..... 想得美.....我是在發夢吧??? >o

Reach my sweet home....

Jst reach home from Melaka , Port Dickson and 1-U..... i will upload the pic in fb... i hv fun in there .... but i wan meet ppl one... but at last is no meet the ppl..... after i in hotel the ppl sms me, call me.... i was don't know how to answer it... the ppl maybe hate me why no promise him to meet him in there.... 555.... he maybe angry-ing now... >.

Melaka.... Port Dickson....

2moro happy trip... hehe... port dickson and melaka.... hope i can hv fun in there for felt day... wakaka.... ^^

Hate It Holiday Homework.....

Wat lar.... holiday homework....hate it!!! hate!!! homework , homework...every ear hear is ask homework finished??? wah!!! so many time i heard it.... bored... 2night i will do it... until morning.... haha.... >. .


今天,我到了Alor Star, Jeniang 和泰国.首先,我到了一个地方叫 Jeniang 那里的一间庙就是泰国庙...满多人的...在那里我体验到一句话"要有付出,才会有收获" 这句相信大家知道我在说什么吧???哈哈....之后,我到了泰国...那里我可以体验到当地的生活...还有美食...哈哈..这也是我第一次到泰国旅行...最后,就是Alor Star了...在Alor Star我去看望我的亲戚...还吃我亲戚开的一家档口...就是卖蜾条汤了...也是我最喜欢去那里吃的...哈哈...一天的旅行就酱过了... 开心... 我第一个旅程就酱过了...也蛮满意下.... ^^这个假期的旅程我会一一的写在博客里...和大家分享我的旅行过程...^^


你的选择是由谁做主的??自己?朋友还是家人???这不是重点....重点是你所做的选择是对的....而不是听到别人批评你或跟你说好处和坏处,而改变自己所做的选择.....重要的是你所做的选择是对的...那才是最重要一个..... ^^

this holiday i will change myself...

这两个的假期....我会好好的反省自己 , 加强自己的缺点 , 好好的测验自己.....如果那几个月我对你们哪里不对的地方或对你们不好的...请多多包涵.... 我会在这两个月改善自己 , 改变自己... 过了假期应该会有不一样的我吧!!! 最好是酱.... 会给你们带来一个新的我.... 希望不会给你们失望..... 加油!!!! ^^ 放假后会让你们惊讶... 换一个和放假前的我.... 一定会是不一样的我.....加油!!! 加油!!改变自己...自我监考.... ^^