Which category of blogger I can be ~

I always confuse what category of blogger I can be ......
Style ? Food ? Travel ?

And which way will be more suitable for me ....
some of the title need more photo ,
but some is word more then photo ,

Style? U need to find out own style ,
create a style that fashion n simple ,
but the problem is budget , all the thing need money ...
some is branded , some is from night market ,
and some will look like " lala " ......

Food? Hahaha...... Maybe more easy to me ,
because I'm study Culinary art ,
so it also easy to find , and get know some new thing ...
Test food , get new dish , or know some new cafe ....
This maybe not need so much budget to spend ....

Travel? Sure difficult for me ,
because  I don't have the time to travel everywhere ,
Once u travel to somewhere else it need spend some money ,
It need a big budget , and time to plan the trip ....
so I don't think I can do that ... T____T

So , I need to think clearly what I wan ,
What category of blog I can be .....

Thinking ~ xDD
Hope I can be a blogger ~ ^^


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