New Life , New Environment

Hi , long time no update my blog ...
This whole month I will upload my outfit at Instagram and Facebook ...
What have u guy did at this month ?
Any new cafe and food recommend to me? Can pm me in FB ....

I start my training in G Hotel Kelawai .....
It a great journey for me to train myself ....
I will stay at Penang Island half year ....

This whole month is Penang Fashion Week !!
Awesome and cool ...
Can see many of design at Gurney Paragon ....
18 - 28 April , have fashion show at Gurney Paragon ...
Hope I got time see the show ....^^

This my outfit ...
Let see

 All this photo more to selfie than outfit ~ Hahaha....xDDD
If I got time , I will go search some new cafe at Penang ... ^^
Upload photo and update blog ....


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