Flatlays style photo - outfits , inspiration and cosmetic

Nowadays , you will saw Instagram full of flatlays style photo , it a simple ways to show outfits and inspired photo . But , flatlays photo is not easy to capture , must choose the correct background , lighting and the main items that want to show .
But this type of pictures is mostly for cosmetic and outfits to show new products and how to style a outfits . But most of the flatlays picture background is white or marble patterns , because this background easy to let the product more attractive .

This is my some of the flatlays picture , but all flatlays picture is according to your own feeling .
which type of flatlays also can , but the main items must be attractive , side items just only let the picture not so blanks , the lighting is most important , the best lighting is the natural sunlight will let the picture become more attractive. So , you can check my Instagram flatlays picture .

Stay tuned to my next blog , I will write travel blog . And then , I will attend Penang Fashion Week 2016 this coming week . Stay tuned on my Instagram and Snapchat


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