Penang Fashion Week 2016 - Xue Kai - Spring Summer 2017 collection

I'm feel so happy can attend Xue Kai Spring Summer collection showcase , his design look so different to other designer , has very strong own personality and can feel that the style is simple , chic and modern. His design more to high fashion. The colour is bright and sharp such as red and yellow. This collection is wearable and fashionable. One words simplicity style for this collection.

I love this so much , white and so wearable....

 This look is great for a young lady ,  simple and fabulous .

 This red dress , I love it so much , red carpet look? For me will say YES .

 Congratulations to you and great show for us .

Overall is a great show and high fashion runway show , the background music is great .
The whole concept a bit likely samurai style? Congratulations Xue Kai present a great and awesome show . Thank you invited me to your showcase , and look forward to your next collections.

Facebook - Xue Kai , Instagram - xue_kai93 or xuekai.official to get know about next collection or know more about Xue Kai , this unique designer.


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